Thursday, March 13, 2014

Inception Workshop - Strengthening Natural Forest Connectivity Gorontalo

GORONTALO , INDONESIA - BIRD Gorontalo Provincial Government in collaboration with Indonesian Bird held inception workshop on " Strengthening the Natural Forest Gorontalo Connectivity " . The event was held Wednesday, February 12, 2014 , at the Hotel Andalas Maqna Jl . No. Botutihe Sultan . 88 , City of Gorontalo . (see also: obat burung)

Gorontalo is located in the northern part of the island of Sulawesi is part of Wallacea biogeographic region , its biodiversity world . Wallacea be special because of the peculiarities of animals and plants store which is a mix of the types of Asia and Australia .

Gorontalo province is also known to have a fairly extensive forests , approximately 826,000 ha , which is more than half of the production forest area . Gorontalo also still has a relatively compact natural forests in the western region . The forest area of ​​340,000 hectares and stretches in the district was Pohuwato .

In addition to the production forest , the forest area there are also two nine conservation areas and protected forest areas . Regions that are connected in the vastness of the landscape covers 70 % of the entire area of ​​conservation areas and protected forests in Gorontalo province .

Interconnectedness as well as the preservation of the landscape will ensure the availability of essential services for the continuity of natural functions productively in the surrounding areas such as agriculture , plantations , trade , and others . He will also play a very large in the local micro-climate control , increase carbon sequestration , as well as prevent the occurrence of floods , landslides and drought .

Prof. Gorontalo Provincial Secretary . Dr.Ir. Hj , Winarni Manoarfa , MS welcomes the implementation of this event . According Winarni , Gorontalo has the potential of natural resources that need to be sustainably managed and sustainable . Winarni hope , the parties present at the event gave positive feedback on the implementation of the program in Gorontalo Indonesia Birds in order to achieve good development synergies .

Head of Forestry and Energy and Mineral Resources ( Dishutem ) Gorontalo Dr . Ir . Husen Hasni , M.Si said that government support programs Birds Gorontalo Indonesia in terms of strengthening the connectivity of natural forests in Gorontalo . " The local government fully supports ecosystem restoration efforts that are being processed and HBI Burung Indonesia ( Indonesian Bird Habitat ) in natural forest Popayato - Paguat , Pohuwato and Boalemo " Husen said .

Husen added , the forest is important not only in terms of biodiversity but also as unity for the survival of the ecosystem and economy of the surrounding area . " Natural protection area around it will be connected if the natural forest area here can be maintained as natural forest , " he explained .

Dian Agista , Head Of Indonesian Bird Conservation and Development , stated the purpose of this activity as an initial meeting to all parties in order to plan the delivery of the program in terms of Indonesian Birds " Strengthening Natural Forest Gorontalo Connectivity " . " Including Pohuwato and Boalemo , workplace Burung Indonesia , " said Agis .

Indonesian Bird with stakeholders including local governments in Gorontalo since 2009 has pushed a model of sustainable landscape management . For the five-year period , Burung Indonesia will implement the program Sustainable Landscape Management and Ecosystem Restoration in Gorontalo with the support of the German Government grant in this case the Federal Ministry for the Environment , Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety ( BMU ) through the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau ( KfW ) Development Bank .
(see also: vitamin burung)

Inception Workshop was attended by fifty invitations that include the regent , head of the department , related agencies as Gorontalo province , universities , local and national media , non-governmental organizations , as well as students of nature lovers. This workshop is also coupled with exotic wildlife photo exhibition by Gorontalo Gorontalo Wildlife Photography ( GWP ) , Photographic Society of Gorontalo ( MFG ) , and Community To Earth ( KUBU ) . *


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